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You are viewing 25 articles with the tag "backup" and author "Adrian (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)How to back up data files from Google Drive using Backup4all
Google Drive is a cloud storage service, and like all cloud services, its primary function is to take some load off your hard drive. Cloud storage works by uploading your files to its own remote servers — or the “cloud” — freeing up space on your computer. This leaves more space on your devices for more important things, like installing large apps and games.
Google Drive cannot be used as backup source anymore
Starting with May 31, 2024, due to Google API changes, in Backup4all you will no longer be able to directly access Google Drive as backup source. You also won't be able to use GMail as SMTP server anymore.
Google hasn't verified this app error
Because of the Google Drive API changes in May 2024, the old versions of Backup4all (v.5 - v.8) will receive this error message when trying to select Google Drive as backup destination.
Backup MS SQL Server data
This article explains how to backup MS SQL Server data with Backup4all using a scheduled task. The database files are locked by the MS SQL Server. In order to backup these files and avoid data corruption, it is necessary to perform some actions.
How to install Google Drive application
Google Drive application is used to map the online Google Drive as a local drive which can be accessed easily from your computer.
How to backup your data to Backblaze
Backblaze is a data storage provider. It offers two products: B2 Cloud Storage - An object storage service similar to Amazon's S3. Computer Backup - An online backup tool that allows Windows and macOS users to back up their data to offsite data centers.
How to back up data files from Wasabi S3 Compatible
Wasabi is designed to be 100% bit compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3. This means any storage application that uses AWS S3 can also use Wasabi without any code changes to the storage application.
How to backup your data to Wasabi
The S3-compatible API connectivity option for Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage provides a S3-compliant interface for IT professionals to use with their S3-compatible storage applications, gateways, and other platforms.
How to restore a backup using 7-Zip
This article explains how to restore with 7-Zip a backup created with Backup4all.
How to activate Backup4all manually
Backup4all needs to be activated after purchasing a license. If you have an active Internet connection the easiest way to activate Backup4all is automatically online. However, if you do not have an active Internet connection, this article describes how to manually activate Backup4all.
How to force Backup4all to copy again some missing files in destination
There could be cases when the user deletes by mistake some files in backup destination, or if the files are corrupt.
How to configure a new backup?
To create a new backup job, click on the "New" button from the application's toolbar. For each backup job you must specify at least its name, a valid storage destination and the source files, the rest of the options not being mandatory. In New Backup Wizard, you can switch anytime to Advanced mode for more configuration options.
How to back up data files from Minio using Backup4all
MinIO is a high performance, distributed object storage system. It is software-defined, runs on industry standard hardware and is 100% open source with the dominant license being GNU AGPL v3.
How to backup from cloud using Backup4all
Worried about the safety of your CLOUD backups? With Backup4all you can create a local copy of your online files from the most popular cloud service providers (i.e. Azure, Google Drive, Onedrive, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Box and many more).
Simply configure a scheduled local backup with CLOUD sources in Backup4all and keep your online files safe too. Use the links below to choose your cloud service provider for details on how to configure it.
How to install Backup4all from Microsoft Store
Microsoft Store (also known as Windows Store) is a digital distribution platform operated by Microsoft.
How to back up files from Cloudflare R2 using Backup4all
Cloudflare R2 Storage offers a better way for developers to store and access everything they need.
How to schedule a backup job in the New Backup Wizard
This article explains how to schedule a new backup job in New Backup Wizard
How to schedule an existing backup job
Scheduling the backups to be executed periodically without user intervention will help you save time.
How to schedule a backup job or backup tag to run at system shutdown
This article explains how to schedule a backup job or backup tag to run at system shutdown.
How to schedule multiple backup jobs at once
Using tags in Backup4all you can schedule multiple backup jobs to run one after the other.
How to schedule a backup job or backup tag without using Backup4ll
A backup job or a backup tag can be scheduled from the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler window.
How to restore a backup using WinZip
This article explains how to restore with WinZip a backup created with Backup4all.
How to restore a backup using WinRar
This article explains how to restore a backup created with Backup4all, using WinRar.
What is a backup?
What is a backup? A backup is when you make a copy of your data in case you lose the original data. You can use the backup copy to get your data back if something goes wrong. It is important for companies to have a backup plan in case something bad happens.