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You are viewing 3 articles with the tag "google drive" and author "Adrian (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)Google Drive cannot be used as backup source anymore
Starting with May 31, 2024, due to Google API changes, in Backup4all you will no longer be able to directly access Google Drive as backup source. You also won't be able to use GMail as SMTP server anymore.
How to back up data files from Google Drive using Backup4all
Google Drive is a cloud storage service, and like all cloud services, its primary function is to take some load off your hard drive. Cloud storage works by uploading your files to its own remote servers — or the “cloud” — freeing up space on your computer. This leaves more space on your devices for more important things, like installing large apps and games.
Google hasn't verified this app error
Because of the Google Drive API changes in May 2024, the old versions of Backup4all (v.5 - v.8) will receive this error message when trying to select Google Drive as backup destination.