The Create Shortcut window can be opened from the Create Shortcut... button located on the Jobs tab or by right-clicking the backup job from the backup list and selecting Create Shortcut... It creates a shortcut for the backup job on a designated location and you can simply run the backup job by double-clicking it.


On this page you can define which backup job/tag you want to run, if the application will be visible or not, the task priority and the icon.
- Job - Select a backup job from the list to be executed
- Tag - Select a backup tag from the list to be executed
- All jobs - The shortcut will start the back up for all jobs
- One Touch Backup - The shortcut will start the backup job/tag assigned to One Touch Backup
Show main application
If checked, when you will double-click the backup shortcut, the main application will start and the backup will be executed. Furthermore, if the Close after run option is checked, Backup4all will be closed after the action is executed.
By default this option is not checked so the action will run in background.
User can change the priority of the action started by the shortcut: backup, test or cleanup. Just move the cursor to a lower or higher priority level.
Force all notifications to timeout
Use this option if you want to timeout all notification messages during the backup.
Use icon from backup job
If this option is checked, the shortcut placed on the desktop, quick launch or other location, will have the same icon as the one it has in the backup list. If unchecked, the default Backup4all icon will be displayed.

On this page you can select and configure what action you want to execute when double-click the shortcut: backup, test, repair, cleanup or restore.
What to execute
- Backup
- Default - executes the default backup type defined in the backup job
- Full - executes a full backup, no matter what the backup type defined in the backup job is
- Differential - executes a differential backup, no matter what the backup type defined in the backup job is
- Incremental - executes an incremental backup, no matter what the backup type defined in the backup job is
Clear backup before run
If this is checked, Backup4all will first delete the ".bkc" file and all zip files associated with the current backup job and after that execute the action.
- Test - you can create a shortcut to a test operation instead of a backup. When Test is selected, the Backup Numbers box is displayed
. You can type in there the backup numbers you want to test. The order you type them in is the order they will be tested in. Use the * character to test all backup numbers, or the # character to test only the last backup.
- Repair - you can repair the backup by running a test, detect the missing/corrupted files from destination and back then up again.
Repair catalog only - this option will detect the missing/corrupted files from destination and will remove them from catalog so they will be backed up next time you run the backup.
- Cleanup - you can create a shortcut for a scheduled Cleanup operation, that will delete the selected backup numbers at the scheduled date. When Cleanup is selected, other options become available to filter the backup numbers that will be deleted:
- Newer than - if checked backup numbers that are newer than the selected date will be deleted when the shortcut is double-clicked
- Older than - if checked backup numbers that are older than the selected date will be deleted when the shortcut is double-clicked
- Older than (fixed date) - backup numbers that are Older than a certain fixed date will be deleted when the shortcut is double-clicked
- Do not delete full backups - if this is checked, the full backups will be kept even if they fall into the range of files filtered for deletion
- Do not delete differential backups - if this is checked, the differential backups will be kept even if they fall into the range of files filtered for deletion
- Clear the destination folder - deletes any files and folders inside the destination folder even if they are not related to the backup job.
- Restore - you can create a shortcut to restore a backup job, tag or all jobs.
- Where to restore - select the location for restore. You can use the original location or you can specify another location. If you use another location for restore, you can avoid the creation of a drive letter folder by checking the Do not create drive letter folder option.
- How to restore - you can restore the latest version of the files, restore all files as of a specific date or restore some backup numbers. If you want to also restore excluded and deleted files, you must check the Restore excluded and deleted files option.
Once you have selected the Action to be performed and the backup job/tag to run, press OK to create the shortcut. A window will prompt you to select a name for your shortcut and its destination. Once that's completed, the shortcut will be placed in the selected destination.