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This help topic applies only to Backup4all. If you don't have it yet, you must download it first.

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Mar 22, 2022
Backup4all 9.x
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Backup4all can be used to export the history into a csv file.
The command line parameters for history are described bellow.


bBackup /ExpHist [/EHI switches ] [/EHE email ] [/EHF filepath ] [/EHA {B|R|T|C}] [/EHS {S|W|E}] [/EHJ " job names" } [/EHC]

Formatting legend
Italic - Information that must be supplied by the user
Bold - Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
/ - Switches are preceded by slash
[] - Elements between square brackets are optional
| - Vertical line separates possible choices
{} - Items between braces are a set of choices from which the user must choose only one
  • /ExpHist - execute the history export
  • /EHI - defines the history interval to be exported
  • Today - exports the history of all actions executed today
  • Yesterday - exports the history of all actions executed yesterday
  • ThisWeek - exports the history of all actions executed this week
  • LastWeek - exports the history of all actions executed last week
  • ThisMonth - exports the history of all actions executed this month
  • LastMonth - exports the history of all actions executed last month
  • ThisYear - exports the history of all actions executed this year
  • LastYear - exports the history of all actions executed last year
  • Custom - for this switch there are other parameters to be used (example: /EHI Custom /EHSD 1.21.2020 /EHED 2.21.2020)
  • /EHSD - export history start date
  • /EHED - export history end date
  • /EHE - exports the history and sends it to the specified email address
  • /EHF - exports the history and saves it into the specified file
  • /EHA - exports only the history of only the specified actions:
  • B - Backup
  • R - Restore
  • T - Test
  • C - Cleanup
  • /EHS - exports only the history of only the specified statuses:
  • S - Success
  • W - Warning
  • E - Error
  • /EHJ - exports only the specified backup jobs, tags or guids (example: "job1|job3|job7")
  • /EHC - if used, the history csv file will be compressed before sending it by email
To export the history for the last year, save it in a csv file on your computer and also send it by email

bbackup.exe /ExpHist /EHI ThisYear /EHE <[email protected]> /EHF D:\history.csv