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This help topic applies only to Backup4all. If you don't have it yet, you must download it first.

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Mar 22, 2022
Backup4all 9.x
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Backup4all uses for each action a small application that runs independently from the main application. They can be used to create batch files.
The command line parameters for test action are described bellow.

Backup jobs


bTest [/t] job_name [-Priority{1|2|3|4}]

Formatting legend
Italic - Information that must be supplied by the user
Bold - Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
/ - Switches are preceded by slash
[] - Elements between square brackets are optional
| - Vertical line separates possible choices
{} - Items between braces are a set of choices from which the user must choose only one
  • /t - tests the named backup job. Supports also an additional parameter [ /TN 1,2,5..20|*|#] - if no TN is set then it will test all backup jobs same as using *; if # is used it will test only the last backup job (# can be used in the same time with other numbers too).
For the priority level you can select a value between 1-4, as 1 is the lowest priority and 4 is the highest priority.
To execute a test for all backup numbers of the My Pictures backup job
bTest /t "My Pictures" /tn * - Priority 2
To execute a test for first two and last backup number of the My Pictures backup job
bTest /t "My Pictures" /tn 1,2,# - Priority 2



bTagTest tag_ name [/TN 1,2,5...20|*|#] [-Priority{1|2|3|4}]
You can also have as parameter an existing tag. This tag must be defined in Backup4all, otherwise the backup will not run.
Switch to apply to this parameter (case insensitive, preceded by "/" or "-"):
  • /TN 1,2,5...20|*|# - if no TN is set then it will test all backup jobs same as using *; if # is used it will test only the last backup job (# can be used in the same time with other numbers too).
For the priority level you can select a value between 1-4, as 1 is the lowest priority and 4 is the highest priority.
To execute a test for the first backup of all jobs in Samples tag, use:

bTagTest Samples /TN 1 - Priority 2
Backup4all returns exit codes after each task execution (backup, independent test, repair, restore or cleanup).
As a general case, if the action was successful, the exit code is 0, otherwise is different.
Here are the possible exit codes:
  • 0 : action was successful
  • 1 : action has not started, parameter errors, syntax errors, other errors
  • 2 : action finished with errors
  • 3 : action was finished with warnings
  • 4 : independent test was finished with errors
  • 5 : independent test was finished with warnings