This article shows you how to use this section to set email notifications to be sent when the backup is finished. There are three types of email notifications depending on the backup status: success, warning and error email notifications.
Author: Daniel (Softland) Updated on: 2023-05-12Read article
Send Email notifications is a very useful feature that enables Backup4all to send an email with information about the status of the performed backup job upon its completion.
Author: Lorant (Softland) Updated on: 2019-09-10Read article
This article shows you how to backup to FTP destination using proxy server. The proxy server acts as an intermediary between a computer and the Internet. It is associated with a gateway server (that separates the local network from the outside network) and a firewall (that protects the network from outside intrusion).
Author: Lorant (Softland) Updated on: 2019-07-12Read article