Using the Restore Wizard you can restore from a backup job. In the first step you can choose the destination, the priority of the execution and customize the restore operation if you wish.

Where do you want to restore?
Use original location
Copies the files from the zip backup into the original location. If a file with the same name already exists, a dialog will be shown prompting for an action before the restore can continue.

Choose another location
Copies files from the zip backup to a different folder. If selected, you can choose a different folder to restore files from the backup.
Do not create drive letter folder
If checked, Backup4all will restore the files in the designated location using the original directory structure. If you select this option and you have files from multiple drives, some files might get overwritten. For example, if you backed up your Users folder from your C drive, when you restore it to a different location having the Do not create drive letter folder unchecked, Backup4all will first create a folder named C and in it place the Users folder. If you would have checked the Do not create drive letter folder option, the folder named C wouldn't have been created.
How do you want to restore?
Restore the latest version of all files
Backup4all will restore the latest version for all the files in the backup.
Restore all files as of
Choose the date to which you want to restore the files. The restored files will be exactly as they were on the selected date.
Note : If you used the Limit number of file versions option, restoring the files as of a specified date could not restore all your files if some of them were deleted by the file version limitation.
Choose files and restore the latest version
Backup4all will restore the latest version for all the files in the backup. You will be able to filter the files using the Preview page.
Choose/filter files and restore the latest version
Backup4all will restore the latest version of the files. Files that are excluded from backup are not restored. Check the status of the files in the Explore view of the main screen.
Choose/filter files and restore any version
Lets you specify which version of the files will be restored. For example, you might restore all files in their original state from the first backup number.
Restore excluded and deleted files
If this option is checked, the latest version of all files will be restored, even if these files were excluded from the backup.
Preview files at the end of wizard
If checked, a preview page with the files to be restored will be shown at the end of wizard.
Using the slider from the bottom of the Restore Wizard window, you can set the restore execution priority compared to the rest of the running processes on your system. For example, setting the priority to Highest priority, will determine the system to allocate most of its resources for the restore execution.