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You are viewing 3 articles with the tag "command line backup" and author "Lorant (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)How to use the command line application
Since version 5 of Backup4all, all actions are executed in command line. The interface is also available and it communicates with the commend line process, so you can see the progress in interface. The difference is that now there is an individual command line application for each action: backup, restore, test and cleanup.
Install Backup4all using the command line parameters
This article explains how to install and uninstall Backup4all using the command line parameters. Backup4all can be installed with various command line parameters that are useful when an unattended installation is needed.
How to create a shortcut
The Create Shortcut window can be opened from the File->Create Shortcut... menu item or by right-clicking the backup job from the backup list and selecting Create Shortcut... It creates a shortcut for the backup job on a designated location and you can simply run the backup job by double-clicking it.