Backup4all includes a plugin manager that can be found in File->Tools->Plugins. The Manage Plugins window allows you to download, add, remove, enable or disable the Backup4all plugins.
After installing a plugin, you can use it on the What do you want to backup page when creating a new backup job using the New Backup Wizard or on the Sources page using Advanced mode (Backup Properties).

Refresh plugin list
Pressing this button will download and show the list of all available plugins available on our website.
This button appears when you select a plugin which is not installed on your computer. Pressing the Install button will download and enable the selected plugin.
This button appears when you select a plugin which is installed on your computer. Pressing the Uninstall button will delete the selected plugin from your computer.
If you try to uninstall a backup plugin which is in use by any of the backup jobs from Backup4all, you will get a warning message that the plugin cannot be deleted as it is used by a backup job.
This button appears when you select a plugin which is installed but not enabled on your computer. Pressing the Enable button will activate the selected plugin on your computer so it will be visible in the New Backup Wizard.
This button appears when you select a plugin which is installed and enabled on your computer. Pressing the Disable button will disable the plugin, it will not appear in the New Backup Wizard anymore, but the plugin remains on your computer.
Load plugin...
Press this button to install a new backup plugin.
You will be asked to select the plugin file location from your computer. Multiple plugin files can be selected and open.
Suggest a plugin
Pressing this button will open a website page in browser, were you can suggest us the plugin to create.
Press this button to close the Manage Plugins window.